ComboBox_FastOrOptDefrag.Items[0].Caption=Chi sap xep
ComboBox_FastOrOptDefrag.Items[1].Caption=Sap xep & toi uu
LabelFreeSpace.Caption=Chua dung
LabelLittleUsed.Caption=It dung
LabelFrequentUsed.Caption=Thuong dung
LabelDir.Caption=Thu muc
LabelExclude.Caption=Co dinh
LabelFragmented.Caption=Da sap xep
LabelDefraged.Caption=Dang sap
LabelTotalFiles.Caption=So tep va thu muc:
LabelFragmentedFiles.Caption=So tep && thu muc da sap:
CheckBox_auto_shutdown.Caption=Tat may tinh sau khi sap xep.
LabelDiskPerform.Caption=Su dung dia
LabelCpuUsage.Caption=Su dung CPU
LabelAutoDefragDesc.Caption=Tu dong sap xep lai dia he thong khi may tinh cua ban dang o trang thai im lim. Ngan nhung sap xep lon va giu may tinh cua ban hoat dong voi toc do toi uu va hieu suat tot nhat.
AutoDefragGroup.Caption=Cau hinh
EnableSmartCheck.Caption=Chap nhan tu dong sap xep lai
AutoApplyBtn.Caption=Ap dung
Button_Optimal_Settings.Caption=Khuyen dung
AutoCancelBtn.Caption=Bo qua
ScheduleTaskDesc.Caption=Lich hoat dong
ScheduleDefragDesc.Caption=Chon vung ban muon sap xep theo lich, chon cach sap xep, va sau do dat nhung tuy chon ban muon.
ScheduleList.Column[1].Caption=He thong tep
ScheduleList.Column[2].Caption=Kich thuoc
ScheduleList.Column[3].Caption=Cach sap xep
ScheduleOptionGroup.Caption=Tuy chon
ScheduleCheck.Caption=Chap nhan lap lich
LabelAction.Caption=Hanh dong:
ScheduleConfigBtn.Caption=Cau hinh lich
ComboBox_Action.Items[0].Caption=Chi sap xep
ComboBox_Action.Items[1].Caption=Sap xep & toi uu
OptionPageGroup.Caption=Thong thuong
CloseSetCheck.Caption=Chi hien thi tren khay he thong khi chuong trinh duoc dong . (Khuyen)
AutoLoadCheck.Caption=Chay ung dung tu dong khi he dieu hanh khoi dong. (Khuyen)
AutoUpdateCheck.Caption=Tu dong kiem tra phien ban moi cua ung dung.
TrayCheck.Caption= Chap nhan hien thi tooltip trong khay he thong.
Label_language.Caption=Chon ngon ngu:
GroupBox_DefragOptions.Caption=Tuy chon sap xep
BatteryCheck.Caption=Ngung sap xep khi dang dung pin. (Khuyen)
SilentCheck.Caption=Chap nhan ky thuat thong minh khi sap xep. (Khuyen)
SettingOkBtn.Caption=Dong y
SettingApplyBtn.Caption=Ap dung
SettingCancelBtn.Caption=Bo qua
MenuRestore.Caption=Hien thi Smart Defrag
MenuHomePage.Caption=Trang chu
MenuFeedBack.Caption=Phan hoi
SwitchLangForm.Caption=Chon ngon ngu
DescLabel.Caption=Chon mot ngon ngu:
OKBtn.Caption=Dong y
ReportForm.Caption=Bao cao
Button_Start.Caption=Bat dau
VersionTitle.Caption=Phien ban Smart Defrag:
DiskSizeTitle.Caption=Dung luong dia:
DiskFreeSizeTitle.Caption=Dung luong trong:
ClustersTitle.Caption=So Cluster:
SectorsPerClusterTitle.Caption=So Sector tren Cluster:
BytesPerSectorTitle.Caption=So Byte tren Sector:
StartTimeTitle.Caption=Bat dau viec sap xep luc:
EndTimeTitle.Caption=Hoan thanh viec sap xep luc:
ElapsedTimeTitle.Caption=Thoi gian da dung:
TotalFilesDirsTitle.Caption=So tep va thu muc:
FragmentedFilesTitle.Caption=So tep da sap xep:
DefragmentedFilesTitle.Caption=So tep da sap xep:
FragmentionBTitle.Caption=Truoc khi sap xep:
FragmentionATitle.Caption=Sau khi sap xep:
Label_Suggestion_Caption.Caption=De nghi:
ReportList.Column[0].Caption=Ten tep
ReportList.Column[1].Caption=So doan
ReportList.Column[2].Caption=So Cluster
ReportList.Column[3].Caption=Kich thuoc
ReportList.Column[4].Caption=Ket qua
AutoDefragCount=%d tep da duoc sap xep
CpuLimit=Dung tu dong sap xep khi tai nguyen su dung qua %d%%
StartAutoDefrag=Bat dau tu dong sap xep khi he thong im lim duoc %d phut
ExcludeLargefile=Bo qua nhung tep lon hon
DefragIntroduction=Sap xep chi nhung tep can duoc sap xep bo qua nhung tep can toi uu.
OptimizeIntroduction=Sap xep va to chuc thong minh du lieu luu de hieu suat ung dung duoc cao nhat va du lieu tep giap nhau ben vung lau dai. Chu y xu ly nay co the can mot thoi gian dai.
AutoDefragActive=Tu dong sap xep hien tai dang hoat dong
AutoDefragDisable=Tu dong sap xep hien tai khong hoat dong
Idle=Im lim
Defragged=Da duoc sap xep
Optimized=Da toi uu
AutoDefragged=Da duoc tu dong sap xep
Analyzing=Dang phan tich
AutoAnalyze=Tu dong phan tich
Pause=Tam dung
Analyzed=Da phan tich
Defragging=Dang sap xep
Optimizing=Dang sap xep toi uu
AutoDefrag=Dang sap xep tu dong
Stopping=Dang ngung
LastDefragTime=Lan sap xep cuoi:
NeverDefrag=Khong bao gio sap xep:
LeftTime=Thoi gian con lai:
LastAutoDefrag=Lan tu dong SX cuoi:
NotNeedDefrag=Khong can sap xep
StartSchedule=Bat dau sap xep theo lich
AutoDefrag=Bat dau tu dong sap xep
StartUp=Khoi dong
Minimize=An cua so
Turnoff=Dam bao du lieu cua ban da duoc luu truoc khi may tinh duoc tat.
Defrag=Da sap xep
Unmovable=Khong di chuyen (tep he thong hoac tep dang dung)
MailBody=Chao, Toi tim thay mot cong cu mien phi tuyet voi -- Smart Defrag -- tai No tang toc may tinh cua ban bang viec sap xep nhung tep cham tren may mot cach tu dong va yen lang ben duoi he thong, cung nhu toi khong can lai he dieu hanh may tinh cua toi hoac ton tien de mua mot may moi. Toi thich thu ve no va no la tot nhat, phan mem hoan toan mien phi. Chung khong cai phan mem quan cao hoac gian diep len may tinh cua ban. Smart Defrag da nhan duoc nhieu danh gia tot tu cong dong nhu CNET, Chip va PC World. Mot cong cu thong minh bao tri hieu suat he thong, toc do va su on dinh bat ky gia nao! Ban co the tai va su dung mien phi no tai